
Weather & Ocean Conditions


It’s always a good idea to check current conditions before heading to the beach.

San Diego Beach Hotline: (619)221-8824. This is recorded every morning about 8am and gives current beach conditions along our coast.

Beach cameras: These also give great visuals at several places in La Jolla.

Boat launch at the end of Avenida de la Playa:

La Jolla Beach and Tennis Club:



Of course, planning your trip in advance to make sure you pick a day with suitable conditions is always best. The most important conditions to keep an eye on our wind (especially offshore winds over 8 mph), breaking waves at the boat launch over 2′, and swell over 6′.

There are many sites that forecast swell and wave conditions. One of my favorites is:

Keep in mind that the size of breaking waves on the beaches in La Jolla vary over a short distance due to the refraction of swell as it passes over deep underwater canyons. This is the main reason that waves at the boat launch are generally much smaller than waves just a short distance up the beach. Using this forecast model, you’re looking for a pocket of dark blue at the end of Avenida de la Playa. If it isn’t dark blue, there are going to be large waves breaking on the beach and hazardous conditions that aren’t appropriate for beginners or children.

Weather Forecasts: